Payment Settings
On-Site Payment
- Go to the Admin Dashboard > Bookify > Settings.

- Navigate to the Payment Settings tab.

- Once done, a window will pop up displaying various payment methods.

- Enable the radio button for the On-Site payment method.

- Once done, click the Save button.
Front-End Impact
- Go to the website.
- Navigate to the Bookify page.

- Navigate to the payment section, where you will find the On-Site payment option.

Paypal Payment pro
- Go to the Admin Dashboard > Bookify > Settings.

- Navigate to the Payment Settings tab.

- Once done, a window will pop up displaying various payment methods.

- Select the radio button for the PayPal payment method. Once selected, the Client ID and Secret Key fields will become visible.

- Enter the Client ID and Secret Key into their respective fields.

Note: A PayPal account is required to obtain the Client ID and Secret Key.
- Once done, click the Save button.

Front-End Impact
- Go to the website.
- Navigate to the Bookify page.

- Navigate to the payment section, where you will find the PayPal payment option.
- The user can now make a payment via PayPal to book an appointment.

Stripe Payment pro
- Go to the Admin Dashboard > Bookify > Settings.

- Navigate to the Payment Settings tab.

- Once done, a window will pop up displaying various payment methods.

- Select the radio button for the Stripe payment method. Once selected, the Publishable Key and Secret Key fields will become visible.

- Enter the Publishable Key and Secret Key into their respective fields.

Note: A Stipe account is required to obtain the Publishable Key and Secret Key.
- Once done, click the Save button.

Front-End Impact
- Go to the website.
- Navigate to the Bookify page.

- Navigate to the payment section, where you will find the Stripe payment option.
- The user can now make a payment via Stripe to book an appointment.